Wednesday, June 29, 2011

3 types of people

One thing I have learned, among many, in working with people. It is easy to generalize, but I want to bring to your attention at least 3 diverse talents. I am not sure that I have ever seen 2 of the 3 in any one person.

Type 1 - the creative person. This person can visualize things that absolutely do not exist. It is often difficult for these persons to communicate theirs ideas to others and they rarely have the talent and/or desire to actually complete their creation. Many time they start the creation, but leave it before it is completed.

Type 2 - the problem solver. This person can take an incomplete product, perhaps one started by the Type 1 person, and "fix" it. That might include making a computer program run better, or an office to operate more efficiently. Once the "problem" is fixed, they are ready to move on to the next issue.

Type 3 - the maintainer. This person is never creative, and really is not very interested in fixing anything since "it should work" already. They do not like change. They make very good long time managers or assistants because they like routine and are never bored by it. They are, however, threatened by creative types and gladly yield problems over to the Type 2 person.

Isn't it wonderful that God put these skills into different persons?

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ideas for Helping the Sick

Having just finished my chemo and radiation treatments, and looking back on the past year, an article from a Guide to Chemo booklet caught my eye and I thought I would share it with you.

Most people ask, sometimes only to themselves, "What can I do to help?" when someone they know is going through a difficult physical challenge. This booklet listing a few things to consider.

1. Look after my kids
2. Help with my parents
3. Listen (very important!)
4. Keep me company (very important!)
5. Help with rides to and from the doctor (I appreciated those who did this)
6. Do laundry
7. Provide meals (I appreciated them)
8. Mow the lawn
9. Take a walk with me
10. Help me organize my bills

When asked, most people will honestly respond that they have no idea. My suggestion to you is - don't ask - just show up (call first to make sure the timing is good) and do it. Whatever you do will be appreciated.