Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Everyone Makes Mistakes

Inspirational Thought for the Day

Everyone Makes Mistakes
(a variation of one of my favorites)

There was once a very understanding father who made one request of his son.

"Son," he said, pointing to a polished hardwood post stand in the back yard, "I want you to do just one thing for me. Each time you do an evil thing I want you to drive a nail into this post. And, when you have done a good deed or performed a charitable act, you may withdraw a nail."

The son agreed. He didn't understand why his father was asking this of him, but it seemed an easy request to fulfill.

Like most young men, he reluctantly found himself driving a nail into the post, but he did it anyway. He also found that when he was able to withdraw one of the nails, it was a moment of triumph. It was then that he discovered the wisdom of his father's request. Because, although each good act balanced a bad act, the nail holes could never be erased.

And so it is with all our lives. We may correct bad habits or make firm resolutions to change for the better; still there remains an indelible mark of the past, however slight.

If we are as wise as the father hoped his son would be, we will take a lesson from each of our mistakes. We will learn that our tomorrows often depend on our decisions and actions made TODAY.

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