Sunday, March 28, 2010


For many years, I searched for the meaning of Easter and was repeatedly disappointed in what I experienced. Perhaps your experiences have been different, but, in my personal search, I have found more meaning and satisfaction in the ceremony of Passover than I have ever known before my first observance in 1990 - 20 years ago. If you are celebrating Passover this evening, or on any other evening of your belief, I truly wish you peace and comfort.

Remember, we are not to observe Passover in an "unworthy" manner according to Paul's admonition. That does not mean that we need to be worthy. He is addressing the manner in which we observe. None of us human beings could ever be worthy.

May God bless you during this wonderful spring season of Holy Days.

Friday, March 26, 2010

The First Step in Learning about God

In his book "The Road Less Traveled", Dr. M. Scott Peck writes "We begin by distrusting what we already believe, by actively seeking the threatening and unfamiliar, by deliberately challenging the validity of what we have previously been taught and hold dear. The path to holiness lies through questioning everything." ... To be vital, to be the best of which we are capable, our religion must be a wholly personal one, forged entirely through the fire of our questioning, and doubting in the crucible of our own experience of reality."

Dr. Peck goes on to quote Alan Jones who wrote "Journey into Christ" in 1977. "... when it comes to questions of meaning, purpose, and death, secondhand information will not do. I cannot survive on a secondhand faith in a secondhand God."

When it comes to learning something new, I have often said that the first step is to "unlearn" what we think we already know. A friend of mine used the phrase that "we need to suspend disbelief".

We can never learn anything if we think we already have the answer.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I just heard a song over the radio entitled "Love Helps Those Who Cannot Help Themselves". When you consider the scriptures that say "God is Love", then maybe that song has a strong point that the author may or may not have intended. It reminds me of another song titled "Love is all There Is". Isn't that the truth?

Monday, March 15, 2010


Family is what life is all about. By that, I mean both this physical life and life in God's Kingdom. After all, why else would He, through Jesus, tell us to call Him Father? A father wants his children with him as much as possible, and God wants His children with Him forever in His Kingdom. I had a wonderful day yesterday with my children and with their children. Make the most of every day with your family. We are not promised tomorrow, so we must make every day count.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

One Big Happy

This morning’s cartoon “One Big Happy” shows in frame one Ruthie on her knees by her bed as she speaks to God “It’s really weird. Sometimes my friends act all nice to me and ask me to help ‘em with stuff”

In frame 2, she continues “And other times they act like I don’t even exist!”

In frame 3, Ruthie is shown letting out a big “sigh”.

Concluding in frame 4, Ruthie finishes her prayer by saying “I’m telling you this because I heard that you have the same problem with people”

Isn’t that the truth!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010


James 5.16 says "The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." And in James 4.3 he says "You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures." These 2 verses have resonated with me for a long time. Prayer works! I have witnessed it over and over again. This week I witnessed it again, and you may have had experiences, too. Never give up on it. However, when you don't think it is working, go back to Jesus' model prayer beginning in Matthew 6.9 along with these 2 verses. Every time I have done this, I found the problem to be with me - never with the examples we are given.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Thy will be done". Does that sound strange to you that Jesus would tell us to include that phrase in our prayers? We don't really need to remind God that His will should prevail. So that cannot be the reason. Jesus did tell us that we will receive anything we ask for in His name. Perhaps we need to say it to remind ourselves that when we pray and ask for certain things to happen in our lives, that they will be done ONLY if our will and God's will are in sync. James makes that point when he answers the question of some followers who remembered Christ's promise but were not receiving the answer to their prayers that they expected. James 4:3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures. Remember, His will must prevail.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

OK, many of you know that I am now beginning my 67th year. I was officially 66 yesterday. One thought came to mind as I was enjoying the day with my family - the older I get, the more I enjoy the same things I enjoyed when I was 6 years old. They are playing with the kids, food, baseball and jokes. Life on this earth is too short. Solomon tells us that we are to enjoy life - all of the things that God has given us to enjoy. After all, we like to see our children enjoy the things we have given them. I believe God means for us to enjoy all of the things He has given us to enjoy, too.

Have a great day :)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday, March 5

Thank God for this day. After all, yesterday is past and we have no promise of tomorrow. We need to live in this day only.

This morning, I am thankful for the reported progress of Phillip Hufton following his very serious motorcylce accident last weekend. It has been a long week for his parents and sisters.

Preparation for the Sabbath has begun, and I plan to spend some time with the twins when I pick them up from school this afternoon. I hope everyone reading this has a great day.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


This is my first experience with blogging. Thanks to Zachary Bruno for guiding me through the process, but rest assured any and all mistakes are mine alone - not his. Thanks, also, to Zachary for redesigning and setting up our new web site. We welcome your input and comments