Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Christmas and Hanukkah

From the Nov-Dec issue of Gates of Eden - a bimonthly publication by Daniel Botkin in writing about a study of the Book of Maccabees:

"The Hannukkah story is found in the Book of Maccabees. The Jews, to whom 'were committed the oracles of God' (Rom. 3.2), never considered Maccabees to be Divinel-inspired, authoritative Holy Scripture. Nonetheless, Maccabees is an important book in Jewish history...not inspired, but it is inspir...
.God's people were pressured to celebrate a king's birthday on the 25th day of a winter month
.The celebration included wreaths of ivy
.There was revelry and feasting on swine's flesh
.Those who ignored these winter festivities, and instead celebrated Yahweh's festivals of Leviticus 23, were viewed as the weird ones
There is a sad irony in the fact that Christmas and Hanukkah both fall on the 25th day of a winter month. On the 25th of Kislev, Jews celebrate their victory over the Hellenists' attempts to force them to mingle heathen customs with the worship of God. On the 25th of December, Christians mingle heathen customs with the worship of God. The Maccabees refused to honor the real birthday of a temporal king on the 25th day of Kislev. On the 25th day of December, Christians celebrate the imaginary birthday of the real eternal King of kings.

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